Has it ever struck you what a funny word "random" is? If you separate the syllables it becomes "ran" and "dom". I wonder why random means what it means. I wonder why I'm too lazy to look up its etymology.
I wonder many random things, which is why I'm such a random person.
Sometimes I annoy Myself. Then I tell Myself to shut up, which isn't very nice, but Myself doesn't mind much.
My hope is built on nothing less,
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ the solid Rock, I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
How true those words are! Oftentimes I feel betrayed, even over the smallest things, by my friends. Maybe betrayed is a bit strong, but even the people I hold dearest let me down sometimes. I'm sure I let others down too, without knowing it.
I like using archaic terms like "wherefore" and "thereupon" and "inasmuch". They look like small words smushed together.
Is it wise to pack a bag of chips in your suitcase? no. especially if you're going to Hong Kong.
Spring break is coming. And I'll be stuck in the house with two specimens of the male species. Namely, my brother and my dad. My mom will be gadding off to Hong Kong. Lucky duck! I'm going to need some serious girl time. Anyone (girls only, please) wanna go shopping? Wait, shopping is stressful. Oh, and did I mention I'm going to have to cook and clean and do laundry?
I like sarcasm, to a certain extent.
Favorite phrases as of this week: "You lucky duck!" "...to a certain extent" "cuckoo!"
ok I'm done. Now you know how random I can be.
random thoughts on random things
Posted at 18:26
28 March 2007
Certamen and diet Coke
Posted at 21:49
20 March 2007
Congrats to the Owl Academy Level 1 Team! Awesome job, y'all!
I saw three people from my church at Certamen today, but to my discredit, I didn't say hi to any of them. I'd have never known they took Latin though.
I have inferred from my studies of humankind that diet Coke has adverse effects on your psychology. People who drink excessive amounts of diet Coke and/or constantly drink diet Coke are in general, lazier, weirder, and more sarcastic than people who don't drink diet Coke. Really, I could cite numerous examples (Mr. Malvar being the only exception I know of) to back up my hypothesis. I mean, deduction. I'm not planning to prove my assertion.
I love people-studying. It helps to pass time.
icy snow
Posted at 10:55
17 March 2007
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
and Happy Ice/Snow Day!
Why is there snow on St. Patrick's Day, but no snow on Christmas Day? Something's wrong with this picture.
"What's wrong with the picture I'm looking at?" -- Mrs. Hadland, one of the ABS tour managers
That's what she always says when any of the boys forget to zip up their coats or tie their shoes.I want to go sledding, but Stevie and Uri are on tour and today is Raphi's Sabbath. So I have no one to go sledding with. Just came back from sledding with my dad. The snow conditions actually aren't that bad even though it's starting to melt with the sun.
Maybe I'll just stay in and finish Bleak House.
Last night Dad and I had a nice tramp around the neighbourhood. We were making strange tracks, walking backwards and sideways and all that.
An eighth grader from Montgomery won the Regional Spelling Bee this year. I had a feeling she would win when I left after the sixth round.
The time stamp is all wrong because of DST.
41 Things to Do If You Have Too Much Time On Your Hands
Posted at 17:44
16 March 2007
- Play all the hymns in the hymnal.
- Take out all the tissues from the box.
- Fold them all up and put them back in the box.
- Sing "I Know a Song that Gets on Everybody's Nerves"
- Write sappy sonnets to your imaginary beloved.
- Cut your hair really really short.
- Bake cookies and add salt instead of sugar.
- Dial every single phone number you can think of.
- Build a life-sized bed out of gumdrops and toothpicks.
- Erase a blank sheet of paper until either the paper or the eraser is worn out.
- Get a high score on every single game on orisinal.com.
- Pull all the buttons off a calculator, then stick them back on.
- Unpeel a clementine, eat the inside, then glue the peel back together and put it with the other clementines.
- Measure the area of your room using the length of your pinky as the unit.
- Sharpen an unused pencil until it's down to a stub.
- Play pictionary with yourself.
- Rearrange all the furniture in your room.
- Write all your words backwards - ekil siht.
- Make a paperclip chain with all the paperclips in the house.
- Pour out all the lotion in one bottle.
- Invent a cure for the common cold.
- Draw concentric circles on the driveway with chalk.
- Organize your brother's Pokemon cards in alphabetical order.
- See how many holes you can punch in one piece of paper.
- Count the stars.
- Fry an ice cube.
- Read the whole Encyclopedia Britannica.
- Make a suit of armour out of aluminium trays.
- Look for the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
- Push all the buttons in an elevator - and stay in the elevator.
- Count the number of Rice Krispies in one box.
- Reset all the clocks in the house 12 hours ahead.
- Eat a frozen TV dinner.
- Cut down a big tree with a 2-inch pocketknife.
- Run a cake of soap under water until it has totally melted.
- Practice balancing a baseball on your nose.
- Play all of Chopin's waltzes backwards.
- Calculate the number of seconds you waste each day.
- Search for a five-leaf clover.
- Eat raw oats.
- Write a list titled "51 things to do if you have to much time on your hands".
the purpose of my blog
Posted at 21:32
15 March 2007
Before you read any further, let me tell you the purpose of this post. The purpose of this post is to show you how very purposeless my blog is. Having said that, let me proceed.
The other day I was talking (well, emailing) with Artemis about her getting a blog. And she said something about needing to find a purpose for a blog in order to get a blog. That made me think about the purpose of my blog. Which in turn led me to the conclusion that I really shouldn't have a blog, since my blog is purposeless and directionless. I'm not an activist of any kind, I don't write seriously about deep subjects, this web page is certainly not my online journal, and I'm not here to meet new friends (which, by the way, is the dumbest reason ever for having a blog).
So, why do I even bother? Because it's a place for me to post my random thoughts without getting interrupted. I mean, if I was saying this to anyone, in person, he or she would probably zone out or change the subject. Though technically I have no power to force anyone to read this whole thing. But at least it's a place where I can show off my witless humor without seeing people laugh at me. See, even if you're laughing at my words right now, I wouldn't know, and since ignorance is bliss, I should be happy.
I am so annoying myself. I'd better get back to work before I cause more damage.