new ksb tour blog

Posted at 23:40

22 June 2008

KSB has a new tour blog because the old one died. And they have pictures up!

If you can't tell from the frequency of my posting, I'm really excited about the tour. =D They're in Paris right now!

Keystone State Boychoir on tour!

Posted at 22:13

19 June 2008

As most of you reading know, my brother's choir went on tour today. They're on the plane to Heathrow Airport, London right now.

I missed Stephen for about 24 seconds, as we were walking away from the airport, then I felt fine. =D I'm sure I'll miss him later though. My mum and I sat in the IKEA restaurant waiting to see the plane take off...but then neither of us were quite sure what the British Airways logo looks like, so we don't know if we saw the plane or not.

So the main purpose of this entry is to get y'all to read KSB's tour blog for updates on what they're doing over in Europe. They'll be touring Monaco, France, Germany, Austria, and Bulgaria. Jealous yet? =)

on friendship

Posted at 22:33

16 June 2008

I feel like I don't know you anymore
Where have all the old days gone?
Why are you so distant -
Dare I say it - inconsistent

We used to talk
Once I knew your heart
Now there's a darkness
I can't feel what you're feeling

When the world has gone dark
You are gone with it
I can't trust you
Can't rely on you

Will it ever be the same?
Whispers of crushes and emotions
Is this what growing up is like?
Let's pretend we're still twelve

I'm helpless, powerless to touch you
Let go - leave it to God
Just know this, Sister -
I'm praying for you.

Written in a moment of teenage-angsty weakness, so I'm not sure if I mean all this. ;) If I ever become a pop singer, I'm gonna turn this into a song.