That's part of what we discussed today in Sunday school. I never really thought of it.
Since God created everything, and sin falls under "everything", does that mean God created sin?
But then, why would he create something that he knew would be the bane of our lives?
The thing is, God created us in His image. And that means we are born with a free will. Free will is the choice to do right, or to do wrong. And because Adam chose to disobey God, his descendants are all inherently sinful.
Then you could argue, "If I were Adam, I wouldn't have disobeyed God. I would have resisted the serpent's temptation."
I don't know where I'm going with this. Let's go off on a tangent.
Why does it say, in Romans 5:12, that sin entered the world through one man? What about Eve? Wasn't she the one who first listened to the serpent?
Yes, but she was not a man. Man was created as the head of the family and to protect and take care of their family. Woman was made to help man as he led the family. So, because man had the greater responsibility, he took the greater blame.
I love asking questions. It really gets one thinking. That's how all philosophers come up with their ideas. Through questions. And sometimes answers. Not that I aspire in any way to become a philosopher. But aren't we all, in a way, philosophers? We all seek Truth, even if we do not admit it.
Today we had a candidate for the EC pastorate give a sermon. He comes from Texas. He said the phrases "kinda", "perhaps", "y'know", and "very much" very many times. And he used Powerpoint slides during his message. And a picture of David Crowder. And a video talking about "together".
I found out today that my dad has a Facebook. I was totally bowled over. I must be the only teen in my church who doesn't have a Facebook, but whose dad has one. It's usually the other way 'round.
I got a cute koala bear keychain thing today at Sunday school. I named him Jonas.
Where did sin come from?
Posted at 19:12
23 September 2007
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trying too hard? no...i wasn't trying at all...meybe it seems that way cuz my last few posts had a single topic. since i hadn't posted all summer, i tried to compress all my thoughts into one single post. right on on the theological questions. maybe i'll ask some in future posts, especially since our youth group is neck deep in a study on evolution. now if you'll excuse me, i need to go and friend your dad on facebook.
wow. did i really write meybe? ouch.
lol! your dad has a facebook!
btw, i liked this post alot. i have a (very difficult) apologetics question on this same topic. do you mind if i use some of your ideas?
go right ahead, Kris!
yay philosophy.
i like dead philosophers.
and if everybody is a dead philosopher..
so does that mean you can get a facebook any time soon?
on a related topic:
God created Satan (who was Lucifer before the earth was made). But did God create Satan to be sinful? Or did Satan have something within himself to make sin originate?
Were humans sinful before Eve was tempted by Satan? And after Eve ate the forbidden fruit, was Adam immediately sinful as well?
questions, questions.... if i didn't know i'd be brainwashed in college, i'd probably major in philosophy.
Humanity's search for Truth just points to our need for Jesus. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the life. No man comes to the father except through me." In searching for Truth, we're seeking Christ. It's like how loving Aslan will only strengthen our devotion to our Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
You should get one anyway. I usually just have it on the background never closed. literally.
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