lamentations of a chat-less soul

Posted at 19:37

20 October 2007

cheesy, huh? really sad, too, you might add. how about melodramatic?

well. so my complaint is this. whenever I log onto google chat/talk/whatchamacallit, there are only boys on. and since I'm currently not allowed to chat with boys, except on business matters, i.e. debate, I have been chat-less for...a long time. WHY ARE YOU GIRLY PEOPLE NEVER ON WHEN I'M ON?

there. I'm done. chatting is really pointless. so it's not like I really care. just thought I'd let you know.

Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:6

oh, the above verse has nothing to do with what is above the verse. really. I just wanted to share the verse. and I happened to smush two dissimilar things in one post.


sehwoo said...

You can say that I am literally divided (I have a left and right side of the brain, etc), but I meant it in the figurative sense.

I don't get why all (not literally) homeschooled girls can't chat/etc. with guys unless its "important."

Kris said...

sorry i'm not on more often. =(
it certainly isn't cuz i don't like chatting with you.
yeah, usually i'm too busy to chat anyway.
tho not too busy to comment. lol.

Anonymous said...

I like to chat, too.

Anonymous said...

Actually, several students