strange questions

Posted at 23:06

09 December 2008

Today I was at the dentist's office for my biannual cleaning. The hygienist was chatting away as she prepared me for the x-ray.

"How old are you now?" She asked.

"I'm sixteen," I replied, as she came over with the protective vest thingy.

"Are you pregnant?"

"Excuse me?"

"Are you pregnant?" She repeated, looking very earnest.


See that I was a bit shocked at the question, she explained, "You're sixteen, so I just have to check if you're pregnant."


What a mess our world has become! Just because I'm sixteen, I am assumed to have had sex and possibly be pregnant?


Serfy said...
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soulvessel said...

lolol. they asked me the same question. apparently there is a slightly legal age to have sex in every state, which is 16 in New Jersey. (a friend told me on my birthday. .. yeah.) weird, right? i was soooo tempted to say yes, especially since my mom was sitting right there. but i didn't. *sigh*

Serfy said...

very weird. it's like the whole...I'm-21-woot-I-can-(legally)-drink. only worse.

Anonymous said...

I was like, going to say that you didn't look pregnant that day. So yeah, I must say that that was an interesting question.