nervousness, adrenaline, elation, HUZZAH!

Posted at 23:10

26 April 2007

Today was just awesomely fun. It was interesting watching the *ahem* different interpretations of Shakespeare's plays. I am sooo thankful that we got this opportunity to perform at Shakesperience: NJ. I'm especially happy because I went with an amazing group of friends and actors. To show you exactly how amazing they are, I'll post some day. hehe. Anyway, we got the most awards (I think) out of all the groups. My favorite is the Best Ensemble, or Gasp! Award. Huzzah!

And I'm still thinking about the script. Stevie and I were reciting it in the car. I memorized the whole thing, even though I'm just the stage manager. =]

I can't wait for next year!!

To bed, to bed, to bed. - Lady Macbeth

cuckoo business

Posted at 22:35

11 April 2007

Just to clarify: I'm not saying I'm going to give up any notion of a career in music. What I was saying is that maybe that's not the way God wants me to go, and that I shouldn't get too hung up on piano.

I think I'm losing my voice. sort of. It gets really raspy towards the end of the day.

I never knew that three people could generate a whole laundry basket full of dirty clothes in 24 hours.

Dad and Stephen and I were talking about naming objects today. I named our kitchen chairs Clark, Gable, Lewis, Sacagawea, Kent and C. And I named three identical bowls Bill, Bob, and Joe.

Today was a pretty fun day.

That sounds really blah. I feel sort of blah.

the state of the wrist

Posted at 14:32

06 April 2007

Three months and eleven days have passed since I sprained my wrists. I'm still not up to regular piano practicing. As in the amount of hours I put in each day. Yesterday I finally found out that I didn't win in my most recent piano competition. I didn't expect to win, but a part of me thought I had the slightest chance. I could have worked a bit harder without straining my wrists. But putting in a little extra effort still wouldn't have guaranteed the results I wanted.

Right now, I really regret my decision to try snowboarding. Though I've been wondering lately if God is trying to tell me something. Reminding me to rely on Him, and to trust His plans for my life. That my life may not take the course I've planned. Maybe I won't have a career in music after all.

On a very different note, I have an extremely annoying habit of saying I've attached something in an email and sending it without the attachment. It's already happened four times this week.