Do Hard Things

Posted at 17:07

18 December 2007

Our dishwasher died. One day it started making really weird noises and flashing random lights in the display panel. When we opened it, it let off a wonderful burnt smell. The next day, we tried to use it. No lights flashed and it was still making weird noises. So now we are washing dishes by hand, like so many other Chinese people with working dishwashers do. They use dishwashers solely as drying racks.

I need to improve my vocabulary. My brother says I speak too teen-ish.

Why is it that 20-year-olds today cannot accomplish things that 15-year-olds in the past could do?

For those of you who don't believe what you read, the post below was indeed written by sehwoo.


Posted at 23:17

12 December 2007

Everything is meaningless. What does one get after working for days? What is anything after death? Everything that happened will happen again; people will die, people will be born.

Knowledge is nothing. Wisdom is nothing. Pleasure is nothing. Nothing is anything. The wise, the rich, the foolish, the poor. What's the difference when they're buried, rotting beneath the dirt. Why leave a name? Why be remembered? What is anything when you're dead?

Why toil? Why work? Things will break. Things will be undone. Things will die. There's pain. What has been done will be done again. The sun rises, the sun sets. The sun rises, the sun sets. Nations rise. Nations fall. Nations rise. Nations fall. Why wake if you will sleep again?

Why do anything. What's not done by you would simply be done by someone else.

There is no point. There is no point whatsoever. There is no point whatsoever at any time.

Life is just a shadow. Life is just a second. Life is just smoke; it's here and you smell it, then it's gone before you know it.

And during the shadow, what do we do? We strive to get things done.. We strive to be someone. We strive to make a name for ourselves.

But what is a name? What is a name when you're dead? Rotting away beneath the earth.. And nothing but a name.

What is the difference of being famous--or infamous? Why does it matter? Wouldn't you rather die knowing you did the right thing?

Why do we all spend hours over hours studying? And just sit down trying to know everything there is to know.. When we will all end up dead?

Why do we all spend hours over hours fooling around and having fun? And just chase after pleasures.. When we will all end up dead?

What privileges would you obtain in the grave? What difference does knowledge or foolishness have when you are dead?

We go. We chase after things not meant to be chased. And for what gain? Our name? For pride's sake?

There is only one thing worth doing. Only one thing worth being. Only one thing worth knowing. Only doing what's of God. Only being like Christ. Only knowing God is God, and you are not.

prince caspian trailer

Posted at 22:48

05 December 2007

Just found this in my feeds: the trailer for Prince Caspian! I'm excited! can't wait for it to come out!!


Posted at 18:49

27 October 2007

Note: the below is an unfinished work and therefore is not fully understandable. as stated below, there is no impact, i.e. I have not given a satisfying conclusion to my thesis statement. please read as such.

I have learned, in a tangible way, that my wants will never be fully satisfied.

For the past few weeks, I've been simply aching to eat at Burger King. Yes, aching. Part of it because their fries are so much better than McDonalds' (yes they are. you know they are.) and partly because Stevie has been to BK several times without me.

So on Friday, we went to Burger King.

As soon as I stepped into the - I won't call it a restaurant, because really, it isn't - place, my achingness was diminished somewhat by the Halloween decorations all over the place. I abhor Halloween decorations.

Then, the lady got our order wrong. Man, she had some serious attitude.

Having removed all obstacles, we sat down to enjoy our whoppers and fries. And I discovered that I no longer take pleasure from eating fast food.

I had been longing to go to Burger King for the longest time, and now that I was actually there, I wished to be someplace else.

I sound so melodramatic. but really, the above is true. I just haven't found the punchline/impact.

My writing embarasses me, in a way. Even casual stuff like this. Writing reveals one's soul. vulnerability. that's why personal blogs are dangerous.

okay, this post is getting out of hand. I shall make like a choleric zebra and dash into the horizon. what's that you say? mixed metaphors and catachresis? terribly sorry for the brain damage, I take no responsibility.

lamentations of a chat-less soul

Posted at 19:37

20 October 2007

cheesy, huh? really sad, too, you might add. how about melodramatic?

well. so my complaint is this. whenever I log onto google chat/talk/whatchamacallit, there are only boys on. and since I'm currently not allowed to chat with boys, except on business matters, i.e. debate, I have been chat-less for...a long time. WHY ARE YOU GIRLY PEOPLE NEVER ON WHEN I'M ON?

there. I'm done. chatting is really pointless. so it's not like I really care. just thought I'd let you know.

Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:6

oh, the above verse has nothing to do with what is above the verse. really. I just wanted to share the verse. and I happened to smush two dissimilar things in one post.

oh frabjous day! calloo, callay!

Posted at 19:21

06 October 2007

Now where did I read that today? I've been seeing that line pop up in quite a few places today. Lewis Carroll is really a very delightful author. I used to get him mixed up with C.S. Lewis. hehe...

hehe looks really really bad. No one laughs like "hehehehehe".

IKEA is a frabjous place. Especially the marketplace. My room finally looks a little more put together now, thanks to dark purple accents.

Some emails take a lot of energy and brain quota to write. I am very frustrated. Because you simply can't express emotion and tone of voice in typing, no matter how many emoticons you put in.

I have 24 bug bites. This is not right. Not right for October. No one living in Central Jersey should have to suffer from 24 bug bites in October.

Where did sin come from?

Posted at 19:12

23 September 2007

That's part of what we discussed today in Sunday school. I never really thought of it.

Since God created everything, and sin falls under "everything", does that mean God created sin?

But then, why would he create something that he knew would be the bane of our lives?

The thing is, God created us in His image. And that means we are born with a free will. Free will is the choice to do right, or to do wrong. And because Adam chose to disobey God, his descendants are all inherently sinful.

Then you could argue, "If I were Adam, I wouldn't have disobeyed God. I would have resisted the serpent's temptation."

I don't know where I'm going with this. Let's go off on a tangent.

Why does it say, in Romans 5:12, that sin entered the world through one man? What about Eve? Wasn't she the one who first listened to the serpent?

Yes, but she was not a man. Man was created as the head of the family and to protect and take care of their family. Woman was made to help man as he led the family. So, because man had the greater responsibility, he took the greater blame.

I love asking questions. It really gets one thinking. That's how all philosophers come up with their ideas. Through questions. And sometimes answers. Not that I aspire in any way to become a philosopher. But aren't we all, in a way, philosophers? We all seek Truth, even if we do not admit it.

Today we had a candidate for the EC pastorate give a sermon. He comes from Texas. He said the phrases "kinda", "perhaps", "y'know", and "very much" very many times. And he used Powerpoint slides during his message. And a picture of David Crowder. And a video talking about "together".

I found out today that my dad has a Facebook. I was totally bowled over. I must be the only teen in my church who doesn't have a Facebook, but whose dad has one. It's usually the other way 'round.

I got a cute koala bear keychain thing today at Sunday school. I named him Jonas.

why I haven't posted in a long time

Posted at 18:15

04 September 2007

Everyday I have loads of very interesting posts running through my mind, but by the time I'm free to computer, I've either forgotten them or they're no longer relevant. as in time-sensitive posts that I've delayed too long.

I just reread In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. It's a very good, challenging book. The phrase "What would Jesus do?" is thrown about so easily that no one really thinks what it means anymore. But really, asking oneself "Would Jesus do this?" before each action and thought is basically imitating Jesus, which is what we are told to do in the Bible. I must confess that many times I forget to ask myself this question, or I ask it, answer correctly, and act differently. Perhaps this is due to my fear of moving out of my comfort zone if I truly acted as Jesus would.

That said, would Jesus have a blog? Or rather, should I, trying to do as Jesus would, have a blog? I'm still thinking and praying. Mayhap the question is not so much, should I blog, but what should I blog? Methinks my posts so far have been shallow, if entertaining, but of no consequence. Of course, it doesn't help that I have a readership of about 2, but then again, do I write to please man or God? I write to please myself mainly.

The above is part of what has been going through my head these past few days. For more mixed-up thinking than this, click here. <--this article is almost ridiculous in its contradictions and outrageous claims. I read (past tense) it for school.

Speaking of school, college physics has begun. I won't say much about it yet. I need to observe a couple more times before announcing my opinion of physics, my prof., and other students.

p.s. no Ireland pics yet. too busy this summer. I probably won't blog about Csehy, VBS, wedding, etc. Suffice to say I did all that and moved house.

Ireland abbreviated

Posted at 20:41

10 July 2007

Ireland is the most beautiful country I've visited yet. I am so gonna move there one day.

I half promise a longer post tomorrow on Ireland and possibly pictures. Half promise because it depends on my energy level and to-do list. Possibly pictures because my laptop/memory card stuff isn't working right now. As in, they're not working together. They work separately, but not together.

I just realized the time stamp is still wrong. grrrness. unintelligent computer.

I'm off to watch Mary mum and bro think that's the best thing to keep me up so I don't succumb to jet lag.

Oh, btw, I think I "lost" part of my birthday day because of the time difference between the States and Ireland.

a day in the life of a serfy

Posted at 20:25

19 June 2007

I ate a lot of food today.

I played Frisbee and catch with Steve.

I ran around sweating in jeans.

I got a cramp from hiding in a cupboard/shelf.

I told four other people Why I Believe That God Exists.

I set a new personal record for pogosticking - 120.

I lost a game of foosball against my dad.

I sight-read Rachmaninov's Prelude Op.23 No.4.

And that is basically what I've done today so far.

Yesterday I found a grammatically incorrect sentence in my physics book. "The gas pressure we are most familiar with is that of the atmosphere." It should be "The gas pressure with which we are most familiar is that of the atmosphere."

I do too have a life.


Posted at 15:42

30 May 2007

I was halfway done with this post on got shrimp? until I realized I was writing on the wrong blog. so anyway...

it's that time of year again. National Spelling Bee time. Semifinals tomorrow live on ESPN 10am-1pm and finals on ABC 8pm-10pm (or later =]).

The Trenton Times champion, Connie Wen, didn't advance to the third round. I think she probably scored too low on her written tests, as she spelled her second round word right.

I think I'll be rooting for Matthew Evans, Samir Patel, and Jonathan Horton. We shall see. If they make it to ESPN, which they probably will.

People actually make bets on who will win the Spelling Bee. unintelligent!

Update: The last person from NJ, Robert Hale, has er...been eliminated, for lack of a nicer way of putting it. So no hope for NJ this year. And he's sponsored by Kerry's newspaper too... But Samir, Matthew, and Jonathan are still in. Tomorrow on ESPN!! can't wait!


Posted at 21:53

13 May 2007

At the benefit concert on Wednesday Mr. Wadley sang a really cool song by Stephen Sondheim, titled Sunday. It talks about an artist and the way he sees the world..."green, purple-yellow-red grass". yeah...pretty awesome.

So Stephen and I had to stay at church after service and choir for a couple hours while Mum and Dad had a drama rehearsal. We were mucking around outside by the creek. Having fun in general, splattering cress on each other (totally by accident, according to Stephen) and whatnot. I was in a skirt and silver heels. Fortunately my shoes have not suffered great damage. Anyway, we were trying to clear up some of the debris so the water would flow better. Hence the following conversation.

Me: So what do you propose we do?

Stephen: Dam it.

Me: WHAT did you say?

Stephen: Dam it.

Me: Oohhh...dam it. I thought you know, the bad word.

That's my brother for you. And he didn't even realize it.

Oh, then in the process of damming it, I dropped a plank on my foot, so now it hurts quite a bit.

what a wonderful world *sigh*

Posted at 21:12

04 May 2007

I feel peevish. yes, peevish, not peeved. peevish is a very fitting word. just looking at it makes me feel annoying. I'm annoying and annoyed. I'm annoying myself and the people around me and the people reading this. My blog really has no purpose.

stupid wrists.

Is $16.99 too much for a pair of (modest) shorts? I am feeling conscience-stricken. because I bought a pair of shorts for that price today. and I normally don't buy jeans for that much.

I am also having spelling problems today.

NJJCL convention tomorrow. woot? maybe. I don't feel up to it.

spent half an hour trying to figure out the piano intro to Awesome God.

I had not very good iced coffee today. from dunkin' donuts too. I am disappointed.

nervousness, adrenaline, elation, HUZZAH!

Posted at 23:10

26 April 2007

Today was just awesomely fun. It was interesting watching the *ahem* different interpretations of Shakespeare's plays. I am sooo thankful that we got this opportunity to perform at Shakesperience: NJ. I'm especially happy because I went with an amazing group of friends and actors. To show you exactly how amazing they are, I'll post some day. hehe. Anyway, we got the most awards (I think) out of all the groups. My favorite is the Best Ensemble, or Gasp! Award. Huzzah!

And I'm still thinking about the script. Stevie and I were reciting it in the car. I memorized the whole thing, even though I'm just the stage manager. =]

I can't wait for next year!!

To bed, to bed, to bed. - Lady Macbeth

cuckoo business

Posted at 22:35

11 April 2007

Just to clarify: I'm not saying I'm going to give up any notion of a career in music. What I was saying is that maybe that's not the way God wants me to go, and that I shouldn't get too hung up on piano.

I think I'm losing my voice. sort of. It gets really raspy towards the end of the day.

I never knew that three people could generate a whole laundry basket full of dirty clothes in 24 hours.

Dad and Stephen and I were talking about naming objects today. I named our kitchen chairs Clark, Gable, Lewis, Sacagawea, Kent and C. And I named three identical bowls Bill, Bob, and Joe.

Today was a pretty fun day.

That sounds really blah. I feel sort of blah.

the state of the wrist

Posted at 14:32

06 April 2007

Three months and eleven days have passed since I sprained my wrists. I'm still not up to regular piano practicing. As in the amount of hours I put in each day. Yesterday I finally found out that I didn't win in my most recent piano competition. I didn't expect to win, but a part of me thought I had the slightest chance. I could have worked a bit harder without straining my wrists. But putting in a little extra effort still wouldn't have guaranteed the results I wanted.

Right now, I really regret my decision to try snowboarding. Though I've been wondering lately if God is trying to tell me something. Reminding me to rely on Him, and to trust His plans for my life. That my life may not take the course I've planned. Maybe I won't have a career in music after all.

On a very different note, I have an extremely annoying habit of saying I've attached something in an email and sending it without the attachment. It's already happened four times this week.

random thoughts on random things

Posted at 18:26

28 March 2007

Has it ever struck you what a funny word "random" is? If you separate the syllables it becomes "ran" and "dom". I wonder why random means what it means. I wonder why I'm too lazy to look up its etymology.

I wonder many random things, which is why I'm such a random person.

Sometimes I annoy Myself. Then I tell Myself to shut up, which isn't very nice, but Myself doesn't mind much.

My hope is built on nothing less,
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ the solid Rock, I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

How true those words are! Oftentimes I feel betrayed, even over the smallest things, by my friends. Maybe betrayed is a bit strong, but even the people I hold dearest let me down sometimes. I'm sure I let others down too, without knowing it.

I like using archaic terms like "wherefore" and "thereupon" and "inasmuch". They look like small words smushed together.

Is it wise to pack a bag of chips in your suitcase? no. especially if you're going to Hong Kong.

Spring break is coming. And I'll be stuck in the house with two specimens of the male species. Namely, my brother and my dad. My mom will be gadding off to Hong Kong. Lucky duck! I'm going to need some serious girl time. Anyone (girls only, please) wanna go shopping? Wait, shopping is stressful. Oh, and did I mention I'm going to have to cook and clean and do laundry?

I like sarcasm, to a certain extent.

Favorite phrases as of this week: "You lucky duck!" " a certain extent" "cuckoo!"

ok I'm done. Now you know how random I can be.

Certamen and diet Coke

Posted at 21:49

20 March 2007

Congrats to the Owl Academy Level 1 Team! Awesome job, y'all!

I saw three people from my church at Certamen today, but to my discredit, I didn't say hi to any of them. I'd have never known they took Latin though.

I have inferred from my studies of humankind that diet Coke has adverse effects on your psychology. People who drink excessive amounts of diet Coke and/or constantly drink diet Coke are in general, lazier, weirder, and more sarcastic than people who don't drink diet Coke. Really, I could cite numerous examples (Mr. Malvar being the only exception I know of) to back up my hypothesis. I mean, deduction. I'm not planning to prove my assertion.

I love people-studying. It helps to pass time.

icy snow

Posted at 10:55

17 March 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

and Happy Ice/Snow Day!

Why is there snow on St. Patrick's Day, but no snow on Christmas Day? Something's wrong with this picture.

"What's wrong with the picture I'm looking at?" -- Mrs. Hadland, one of the ABS tour managers

That's what she always says when any of the boys forget to zip up their coats or tie their shoes.

I want to go sledding, but Stevie and Uri are on tour and today is Raphi's Sabbath. So I have no one to go sledding with. Just came back from sledding with my dad. The snow conditions actually aren't that bad even though it's starting to melt with the sun.

Maybe I'll just stay in and finish Bleak House.

Last night Dad and I had a nice tramp around the neighbourhood. We were making strange tracks, walking backwards and sideways and all that.

An eighth grader from Montgomery won the Regional Spelling Bee this year. I had a feeling she would win when I left after the sixth round.

The time stamp is all wrong because of DST.

41 Things to Do If You Have Too Much Time On Your Hands

Posted at 17:44

16 March 2007

  1. Play all the hymns in the hymnal.
  2. Take out all the tissues from the box.
  3. Fold them all up and put them back in the box.
  4. Sing "I Know a Song that Gets on Everybody's Nerves"
  5. Write sappy sonnets to your imaginary beloved.
  6. Cut your hair really really short.
  7. Bake cookies and add salt instead of sugar.
  8. Dial every single phone number you can think of.
  9. Build a life-sized bed out of gumdrops and toothpicks.
  10. Erase a blank sheet of paper until either the paper or the eraser is worn out.
  11. Get a high score on every single game on
  12. Pull all the buttons off a calculator, then stick them back on.
  13. Unpeel a clementine, eat the inside, then glue the peel back together and put it with the other clementines.
  14. Measure the area of your room using the length of your pinky as the unit.
  15. Sharpen an unused pencil until it's down to a stub.
  16. Play pictionary with yourself.
  17. Rearrange all the furniture in your room.
  18. Write all your words backwards - ekil siht.
  19. Make a paperclip chain with all the paperclips in the house.
  20. Pour out all the lotion in one bottle.
  21. Invent a cure for the common cold.
  22. Draw concentric circles on the driveway with chalk.
  23. Organize your brother's Pokemon cards in alphabetical order.
  24. See how many holes you can punch in one piece of paper.
  25. Count the stars.
  26. Fry an ice cube.
  27. Read the whole Encyclopedia Britannica.
  28. Make a suit of armour out of aluminium trays.
  29. Look for the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
  30. Push all the buttons in an elevator - and stay in the elevator.
  31. Count the number of Rice Krispies in one box.
  32. Reset all the clocks in the house 12 hours ahead.
  33. Eat a frozen TV dinner.
  34. Cut down a big tree with a 2-inch pocketknife.
  35. Run a cake of soap under water until it has totally melted.
  36. Practice balancing a baseball on your nose.
  37. Play all of Chopin's waltzes backwards.
  38. Calculate the number of seconds you waste each day.
  39. Search for a five-leaf clover.
  40. Eat raw oats.
  41. Write a list titled "51 things to do if you have to much time on your hands".

the purpose of my blog

Posted at 21:32

15 March 2007

Before you read any further, let me tell you the purpose of this post. The purpose of this post is to show you how very purposeless my blog is. Having said that, let me proceed.

The other day I was talking (well, emailing) with Artemis about her getting a blog. And she said something about needing to find a purpose for a blog in order to get a blog. That made me think about the purpose of my blog. Which in turn led me to the conclusion that I really shouldn't have a blog, since my blog is purposeless and directionless. I'm not an activist of any kind, I don't write seriously about deep subjects, this web page is certainly not my online journal, and I'm not here to meet new friends (which, by the way, is the dumbest reason ever for having a blog).

So, why do I even bother? Because it's a place for me to post my random thoughts without getting interrupted. I mean, if I was saying this to anyone, in person, he or she would probably zone out or change the subject. Though technically I have no power to force anyone to read this whole thing. But at least it's a place where I can show off my witless humor without seeing people laugh at me. See, even if you're laughing at my words right now, I wouldn't know, and since ignorance is bliss, I should be happy.

I am so annoying myself. I'd better get back to work before I cause more damage.

conversations of the week

Posted at 09:29

22 February 2007

Ryan: "GUESS WHAT?!?"

Serfy: "what?"

Ryan: "I ATE A PENNY!!!"

Serfy: "that's nice."

Ryan: "You wanna know how I ate the penny?"

Serfy: "not really..."

Ryan: ~describing how he was sucking on the penny, then Thomas made him laugh, and then he swallowed it, and then...~ "...I started running around like a turkey without a head!!"

hmm...isn't it chicken without a head? I didn't argue the point with him, because Thomas came by and started telling me how once he'd swallowed a penny.

It doesn't sound as funny as the real thing...I'm not good at transposing conversations. but whenever Ryan sees me he's always like "GUESS WHAT?!?" and he goes on to tell me something strange he did/is doing.

Serfy: what does Joe D'Avanzo look like?

CJ: He's about this short, really fat, and he has an afro.

Uri: No, he looks like Max.

Max: Stop it! I'm trying to concentrate!

CJ: Actually he does look like Max, sorta like a hippie, with long hair...

ridiculous boys.

welcome home

Posted at 13:56

21 February 2007

My brother is back!! Yay! We had a nice long talk at ABS after he came back. He watched Pirates of the Carribean. I was like, ?!?!? Which means I'm allowed to watch it now, since he watched it without permission. =]

Last weekend we went down to Virginia to see Stephen's last two concerts. It was so amazing to see my little brother up on stage singing with the CC. The whole choir is awesome, but it's just sort of mind-blowing to see my little brother part of it.

And in VA, I met up with one of my friends from the Spelling Bee last year.

Tour pics! Mostly from Sunday morning going from Harrisonburg to Richmond.

On Monday mom spent the whole day at ABS, organizing the boys' stuff. They're going to live in a convent. Rather interesting place to be, don't you think? Ettl is structurally sound, but no one is allowed to live in it. I feel really bad for some of the boys...they're confused, sad, stressed out, etc. At least they have a mandatory free this weekend so they can go home and regroup.

I'm writing like a scatter-brained chicken. Whatever. Just look at the pictures. =]

as you wish

Posted at 21:32

15 February 2007

Happy [late] Valentine's Day! I hope your Valentine's Day was filled with true love, just like Buttercup and Westley. *sigh* How romantic! No, really, not necessarily romantic love, or that "warm, fuzzy feeling(you mean like hot chocolate?)", but genuine brotherly and familial love.

I love Valentine's Day. Why? Because of all the funny things people say on that day. Not the phrases you see on the nasty tasting candies, but the "I hate Valentine's Day!"s. I guess I love hearing people say that because I disagree with them, and I love disagreeing with people.

Check this out. Very interesting results.

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." <--from the funniest movie ever. "I'm not left-handed either." Awesome fencing sequence. The only disappointing factor was that Buttercup is too much of a damsel in distress. I mean, what sort of woman just stands and gawks while her beloved is being attacked by a Rodent of Unusual Size? Oh, and did I mention that the plot is totally implausible?

Writing is very therapeutic for me.

you asked for it

Posted at 18:01

10 February 2007

This has been a grawumpus week, as someone in some book said. Yesterday I asked God for an uneventful day, and guess what he gave me? A weekend full of surprises. And some of them weren't exactly pleasant.

So first my debate partner ditches, I mean, she had to miss debate class. That wasn't too bad. Then after debate, Mommy tells me that the ABS dorms flooded. When we get home we find out that our Girlchoir manager broke her ankle. And today I got a call saying that I have to play piano for Junior Worship tomorrow because the girl who's supposed to do it is stressed out. And I'm not stressed out because I only have to finish my VBS application essay, my Sunday school homework, my CWG essay, half of my Latin, and practice the piece I'm accompanying for choir tomorrow. And because I'm folding random ABS boys' clothes and sorting their soaked possessions.

I know this sounds cliched (yes, I know it's trite), but life is not fair.

BUT. God must have a purpose in doing this. I just can't figure it out yet.

It's funny, but I don't feel very stressed out anymore.

life as an only child

Posted at 21:47

28 January 2007

So...Stephen's been gone for 4 days. He's currently in North Carolina. I am bored to death (or something near extreme boredom) by myself. There's no one to understand my corny jokes, no one to argue over the piano with, and no one to fight with. And no one for my mom to scold. So she scolds me because I make too much noise. Which I am doing to make up for the normal noise level when Stephen is around.

Online sarcasm is hard to perceive. Which is why it's exasperating.

You know, beginning sentences with "which" is very bad grammar.

My concert today went tolerably well. I felt that it was sort of blah. Nothing extraordinary. I love singing in Richardson Auditorium though. It has such chine-spilling acoustics. I love being Mayor what's-his-name from Homer Price.

Letters are so much more real than emails.

Nonsense is the best sense in the world.


Posted at 16:25

23 January 2007

No, not the world trade center. Winter Tour Choir. Stephen's going on tour this Thursday. quite unexpected. for three weeks. I'm going to miss my bestest friend. It feels sort of like he's going to college before I am. My parents are really awesome and all, but they just can't make up for Stevie. So if you see me moping around for the next few weeks you'll know why. One advantage: I get my own room for three weeks. and my own bathroom. =]
Unfortunately Stephen will have to miss my girlchoir performance this weekend. Though I don't think he minds much. He gets to go to Disneyworld. Not that I mind much. I think it's a bit overrated. And I'm not being spiteful.
I bought a prettiful shirt on Sunday. It's covered in music notes! And it's blue.
I just read my post and it sounds like two different people wrote it. but then again I'm a girl and you know how girls' minds continually jump from one subject to another.
My mom is on a Macbeth craze. That's basically all she thinks about these days. She's watched at least 3 versions and listened to 2 others. In fact she's watching one right now. I can hear people getting killed.
Life is so not boring.
I am not being sarcastic.
My life is extremely colorful.

lessons learned on the 12th of January 2007

Posted at 23:30

12 January 2007

It is not fun to have a stuffy and runny nose. In fact, it is quite annoying.

It is not fun to have a deep cat scratch on top of your sprained wrist. In fact, it is quite painful.

It is not fun to have no evidence against the affirmative's plan. In fact, it is quite pitiful.

It is not fun to try to outsing your brother the singer. In fact, it is quite hurtful to the vocal cords.

quote of the day:

"Do you feel died?"
-Stephen Fung

blogger vs. xanga

Posted at 19:07

09 January 2007

blogger is waayy cooler than xanga. it doesn't have all those annoying ads, and I can upload edited photos more easily.
Thank you cards are amazingly hard to write.