Ireland abbreviated

Posted at 20:41

10 July 2007

Ireland is the most beautiful country I've visited yet. I am so gonna move there one day.

I half promise a longer post tomorrow on Ireland and possibly pictures. Half promise because it depends on my energy level and to-do list. Possibly pictures because my laptop/memory card stuff isn't working right now. As in, they're not working together. They work separately, but not together.

I just realized the time stamp is still wrong. grrrness. unintelligent computer.

I'm off to watch Mary mum and bro think that's the best thing to keep me up so I don't succumb to jet lag.

Oh, btw, I think I "lost" part of my birthday day because of the time difference between the States and Ireland.


sehwoo said...


my time stamps are off to.. by an hour.

sehwoo said...

i actually don't know.. kinda want to.. the topic i think is on illegal immigrants.. if i do, i'll be doing non-competitive..
