ridicly legit

Posted at 23:44

22 July 2010

i have been using ridic and legit way too much.

but really, this is ridic. how am I supposed to fulfill assignments in 20 minutes? these people have no concept of time. and meanwhile on the other side i have family obligations, dude. mom got upset at me because she thought i purposely neglected the laundry to be on the computer. when really i'm just trying my best to frantically find people to be in the boat competition. you know what? if we did everything earlier i wouldn't be stuck in this position all the time. time management! come on people. no more last minute things, please. this is totally ridic. i spent my whole evening doing encampment staff. this is not what i asked for.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you probably don't know who I am, but I just had a thought. Have you ever heard of His Princess Love Letters from Your King? It's a book talking about our Creator and how he loves us. The lady who wrote it wrote a verse and put that verse into a letter from our King. Sheri Rose Shepherd is her name and in the beginning of the book she talks about the trials she went through before she came to know Ya'huah (God's name in Hebrew). I love meditating on the verses and then the letters that go with them. I thought you might enjoy this book as much as I have. Considering you're a Christian and after reading your blog I thought it would be best to let you know about this wonderful little book. Here the link if you want to know more about it http://sherirose.info/. Toodles =)

Serfy said...

Hey, I think I do know who you are, but it doesn't really matter. :) Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it! And you might consider following my other blog which I've pretty much switched to: wheatieserfy.blogspot.com.